
Gutter and Downspouts 101

Let’s talk about the drainage system that is responsible for carrying all that excess water away from your home or office building. If you do not already have a system installed, this is the first step you need to take to help protect your investment. Without an adequate way to carry rainwater from the

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What is “Green” Building and how can a Homeowner Benefit?

Green buildings are constructed using renewable materials. Modern designs are easy to manage with positive effects for the environment. Choices include recycled materials, like metal and bamboo, along with energy-efficient doors and windows. With good materials and clean appliances, an eco-friendly construction is ideal for the right people. Modern, eco-friendly buildings are new and

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Fire Risks and Potential Signs to Avoid Them

Nobody wants to deal with a fire. Fire hazards in the home range from the obvious to the hidden. Here are a few things to keep an eye open for. Electrical wiring is also a fire risk. Make sure your wiring is in good condition and is always insulated. Never use a power cable

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How to Better Soundproof Your Home

Even the nicest home in the best of neighborhoods can feel like a giant noise machine if you do not use the proper soundproofing methods. There are several ways that you can better soundproof your home to make for a more peaceful living environment. Construct your home with double walls and dropped ceilings. Many construction

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Pro’s of a Tankless Water Heater and Solar Power in a Residential Home

Environmentally friendly products and services have numerous advantages. To gain the greatest benefits, property owners must make certain considerations. They should make sure that there is enough space for the products. They should determine the frequency at which the products are used. The appliances tend to be expensive, but the saved energy makes up

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How to Frame an Interior Door

There are two methods used for framing an interior door and two types of framing material, steel and wood. Also there are two methods used to finish the header area over the door frame. These methods are using 2×4’s or 2×12’s to form the door header for the rough framing of the interior door.

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Signs of Improper Electrical Wiring

In the modern age, almost every home comes wired for electricity. Our thirst for power is evident in the array of different gadgets we use around the house. Therefore, proper wiring of electricity is essential to ensure good and safe service. Your electricity could be lost for periods of time with a faulty connection.

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What are Structural Walls and How Can I Tell?

A common question many home owners ask is “What are structural walls and how can I tell?” Structural walls are those walls within a building that carry the weight of the roof and upper floors. Another name is load-bearing walls. All the exterior walls of a home are structural as the roof ends land

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Building Codes 101: What homeowners should know

What are building codes? Building codes are rules that set minimum requirements for safety in building projects. These rules are put forward by local, state, and national governments for use by safety inspectors, builders, architects, and engineers. The building codes lay out exactly how some things are to be done and how other things

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Common Roof Repairs a Homeowner Should Know

There are several types of roof repairs a homeowner should know about. These repairs not only keep the roof leak proof, but make sure that it stays well insulated. A roof that’s too hot or too cold will raise energy bills more than is necessary during the heating and cooling seasons. One type of

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